P.R.(Punjabi) is a Drama movie directed by Manmohan Singh featuring Harbhajan Mann in the lead roles and others are Delbar Arya, Kamaljeet Neeru, Amar Noorie, Karamjit Anmol, Mannu Sandhu, Kanwaljit Singh, Gursharan Mann, Gurpreet Grewal, Gurnaam Singh, Seema Kaushal, Sardool Sikander, Gaurav Shah, Bhupinder Barnala. It is produced by Harvinder Saran, Darsan S. Rangi and Gurvinder Singh Gakhal under banner Saran Films & NM Records. The music of the movie is composed by Gurmeet Singh, Laddi Gill, Music Empire, Bilal Wajid, Sarang Sikander, Simba Sing, Jerry Singh and Jesse Christopher. It has a story from (not known). Released on May 27, 2022, the movie was loved by the audience because of the performances of the lead cast.