Crime Patrol is an crime series created by Subramanian S.lyer for Sony Entertainment Television India and Sony Entertainment Television Asia. The first season was created by Cinevistaas Limited and directed by Anshuman Kishore Singh, while later seasons were created by Optimystix Entertainment. The series is set in Mumbai, India. The first and second seasons' episodes are 30 minutes long, while the subsequent seasons' episodes are 40 minutes long.
Crime Patrol show bring the stories of crime happening in our society. However the case presentation would be a story telling form that would have the interest of a fiction drama presentation. We are listing actress name, photo who played important role in Crime patrol shows
Priya Shinde
Devika Sharma
Dolphin Dubey
Gazal Saini
Kalpakshi Mudliyar
Suman Patel
Akansha Sareen
Mansi Jain
Neha Agarwal
Sonam Arora
Trishna Mukherjee
Geetanjali Mishra
Sonakshi More
Ada Khan